

Grumpy middle aged north of England man shooting grumpy middle aged film cameras, Engineer by trade, failed guitarist and would be photographer by inclination, acquirer of film cameras,contact by like minded local or UK people is welcome.....currently have 2 x Pentax P30n body, Pentax A3 body, 50mf1.7 prime and 28-80 and 70-210 zooms, a Zenit 12XP SLR with Helios 58mm standard lens Cosina CT1G, Regula Haponnette, a Halina 3000, Yashica MG1, Olympus trip 35RC, Minolta Hi Matic G, Olympus Trip 200, , Olympus AF 50, Olympus XA2, Konica MG, Konica C35EF, Konica Pop-10,Samsung Fino 700, Fed 4(b), Smena 35, Yashica J, Konica Z up 110, Olympus trip 35, Zorki 4, Olympus superzoom 120, Yashica Minister D, Ilford Sportsman 35mm, Voigtlander Vitoret, Minolta Zoom 110 SLR , Pentax auto 110 with 24mm prime and 20-40 zoom lens, old Diana 120, Ilford Sporti and Lubitel 166 U. Also at www.facebook.com/pages/Leaking-Light/1472118753003583 and twitter.com/Leaking_Light, www.flickr.com/photos/leakinglight/ on Flickr

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