A Play on Colors — a Photo Gallery by @saifulchimera

We're always on the lookout for up-and-coming photographers here in the community. We happened to chance upon the work of @saifulchimera and we're more than glad we did.

Credits: saifulchimera

Hailing from Malaysia, @saifulchimera is new to the community and film photography in general. We're glad that he picked our community to be a platform where he can share his work. He loves playing with colors and capturing the interesting day-to-day life in his home country. What we noticed in his work is his experimentation with different kinds of films. His play on color is not only refreshing to the eyes, but it's also inviting. Some of his film choices include Kodak Portra, Cira 800, and our very own LomoChrome Purple, Metropolis, and Redscale films. We're digging the experimental spirit, Saiful. Keep it up!

Credits: saifulchimera

We would like to thank Saiful for sharing his images with us. Follow him on Instagram to see more of his work.

written by cheeo on 2022-02-16 #people #places #analogue #color #malaysia #photo-gallery #film-photography #sailfulchimera #apac

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