1950's Perkeo II. Notice that the roll will load easily but the roller and pressure plate on the door prevent closing the door all the way. So, simply push the roll over towards the side of the camera and voila, it now fits and will still feed OK! I have taped the end of the roll to the take up spool with blue tape and of course you have to unload the roll inside a dark bag when done....the best part is that the Perkeo II has an automatic frame stop control on it. The little lever at the top allows the roll to feed freely when it is pointing to the right. But once the film is started on the spool and the door is closed you flip it over so that it points the left and now the film will only wind to the first frame and then it stops. This is awesome for 35mm because it means you don't have to count revolutions on the winding wheel and the frames end up perfectly spaced on the roll.....also, the Perkeo has a sliding cover for the red window which I also back up with a bit of blue painter's tape on which I always mark what film is inside the camera. I actually stick tape on every single film camera I am using as soon as I load it with film. It's a great habit to get into.

Nikon F3
Revolog Volvox
Gill, MA
United States
Perkeo II Does 35mm: Second Test Roll
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